A Horse’s Last Goodbye: The Story of Major and His Devoted Owner

Sometimes, it takes someone special to see the potential in an animal that others have given up on. This is the story of Major, a horse who found love and trust in a man who refused to give up on him.

When Janna Grapperhaus’s father brought home Major, the horse was wild and aggressive. Major’s previous owners had tried everything to break him, even resorting to harsh treatment like tying him to a post without food or water for weeks. But nothing worked; Major remained untamed.

From the moment Major arrived at his new home, he broke through fences and lashed out at anyone who came near. Many doubted that he could ever be tamed. Janna’s mother even called the horse “Major Deal,” fearing he might be too dangerous to keep.

But Janna’s father saw something in Major that others didn’t. Instead of trying to break his spirit, he chose to earn Major’s trust. Every day, he worked patiently, showing the horse kindness and respect. Slowly but surely, Major began to trust him.

After two long years, Major finally allowed Janna’s father to ride him. The once-wild horse had formed a deep bond with the man who never gave up on him. Their connection was so strong that Major would even kiss Janna’s father on the head whenever he came near.

Sadly, Janna’s father passed away recently. At his funeral, Major was there to say goodbye. In a heart-wrenching moment, the horse walked up to the coffin and gave it one last kiss, a final farewell to the man who had earned his heart.

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Janna shared this touching story on social media, where it quickly went viral, with thousands of people moved by the deep bond between her father and Major. As Janna put it, “Love won out in the end.” This story is a beautiful reminder of how love, patience, and kindness can create unbreakable bonds, even with the wildest of creatures.

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